Paint Green Door with Brush Party Online
Brush Party Club - Online - On Demand
1h 21m
Paint ‘Green Door’ step-by-step with Becky. First streamed to a live audience in March 2020.
It’s all about fun! Grab a drink, settle down to your canvas and get ready to unleash your inner Van Gogh as Becky walks you step by step through creating your ‘Green Door’ masterpiece - You’ll be delighted as your blank canvas transforms in just under two hours!
Why not mix it up a bit – If you feel confident, you can interpret our instruction any way you wish – Maybe you’d like to change the colours to suit your décor?
You will need:
• Acrylic paint (ideally Black, White, Blue, Red and Yellow)
• A canvas
• 1 large brush, 1 cropped brush and a detail brush (or you can improvise!)
• A pot of water for rinsing your brushes
• A plate for mixing paint
• Paper towels
You may also want (Optional)
• A tabletop easel
• Other paint colours
• An apron
Have fun, share your painting on the club Facebook page @brushpartyclub and visit for more live in-venue and online events!
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